
West Yorkshire: Brothers, aged 10 and 13, missing from Liversedge | UK News

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Police said they are becoming “increasingly concerned” about two young brothers who have been missing for two days.

Yousuf Ahmad, 13, and Muhammad Ahmad, 10, were last seen at home in Liversedge, West Yorkshirearound 9:40 a.m. on Monday.

The boys are believed to be together, according to West Yorkshire Police.

Detective Inspector Rob Dicorato said: “We remain very concerned about Yousuf and Muhammad, given their young age and the length of time they have been missing, and we urgently need to locate them.

“We are carrying out extensive inquiries to find them and would like to hear from anyone who has seen them or who has any information that could help.”

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Yousuf is described as being around 1.60m tall and wearing glasses.

West Yorkshire Police said when he was last seen he was wearing a gray Lyle & Scott hoodie, North Face trousers and black trainers.

Muhammad is about 4 feet tall and wears square glasses.

He was last seen wearing a black hoodie, gray sweatpants and black sneakers with a white stripe.

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Anyone with information should contact Kirklees Police on 101, quoting log 489 of August 12, or online via

This story originally appeared on read the full story

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