
Latest updates from NHC on Category 1 Hurricane Ernesto

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Article first published: Thursday, August 15, 2024, 5am ET

Article last updated: Thursday, August 15, 2024, 11am ET

According to the National Hurricane Center’s warning at 11 a.m. Thursday, Category 1 Hurricane Ernesto is 570 miles south-southwest of Bermuda, with a maximum sustained wind of 85 mph. It is moving 22 km/h north.

“…the center of Ernesto is expected to pass near or over Bermuda on Saturday.” meteorologists noted. “Strengthening is forecast over the next two days, and Ernesto could be close to major hurricane strength by Friday.” They also said “Ernesto is forecast to be a major hurricane near Bermuda on Saturday.”

YESTERDAY (Wednesday):

Yesterday, Ernesto found new strength and evolved from a tropical storm into a Category 1 hurricane with sustained winds of 120 kilometers per hour.

A hurricane warning was issued by meteorologists for Bermuda.


A hurricane watch is in effect for:

– Bermuda shorts

A Hurricane Warning means that hurricane conditions are expected somewhere within the warning area. A warning is typically issued 36 hours before the first predicted occurrence of tropical storm-force winds, conditions that make outdoor preparations difficult or dangerous. Preparations to protect lives and property must be completed hastily.


WIND: Hurricane conditions are expected in Bermuda on Saturday, with tropical storm conditions likely beginning Friday afternoon.

STORM OUTBREAK: A dangerous storm is expected to produce significant coastal flooding in Bermuda in areas of onshore winds. Near the coast, the wave will be accompanied by large, destructive waves.

RAIN: Ernesto is expected to produce total rainfall accumulations of 4 to 8 inches in Bermuda, with isolated maximum amounts of up to 12 inches. These rains can result in considerable and potentially fatal flash flooding.

SURF: Waves generated by Ernesto are affecting parts of the Dominican Republic, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the southeastern Bahamas. These waves will spread across Bermuda and the rest of the Bahamas later today. Waves are expected to reach the east coast of the United States tonight and continue through the weekend. These waves will likely cause life-threatening waves and rip current conditions.

Source: National Hurricane Center

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