
Google will test cell phone anti-theft tool in Brazil; get to know

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O Google announced this Tuesday (11) that it will test in Brazil three new tools against cell phone theft that work with operating system Android. The country will be the first to receive the new features, and users will be able to test them from July.

The first modality is lock for theft detectionin which, through Google’s artificial intelligence (AI), the device will detect sudden and sudden movements to lock the phone’s screen.

The objective is to prevent thieves from being able to access the contents of a cell phone, such as files and applications.

The second tool is remote lock and may be useful in cases of theft, for example, when there are no sudden movements in a robbery.

The new device allows the phone user to remotely lock or wipe a lost or stolen cell phone without needing a Google account password.

Now, through a page dedicated to the new “Remote Lock” feature (, Android will allow the user to lock the device’s screen by simply entering the phone number and completing a quick security challenge through any device.

The measure seeks to give users more time to retrieve their account details and access more robust options on the Find My Device – such as locating the device or deleting all its content.

The third measure is to offline device lockwhen devices are stolen at times when they are not connected to the internet.

The new feature will automatically lock your Android phone’s screen if you spend long periods without internet access.

Access to resources in the beta phase opens to the Brazilian public in July. Google has launched a dedicated website ( that includes a form for anyone who wants to be notified by email when new security features are available for their device.

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